Our Expert Review will be available shortly. In the meantime, we invite you to share your personal experiences with the clinic by leaving a review.
Hallo, mein Mann und ich haben im Januar diesen Jahres die Denthouse Zahnarztpraxis besucht und die beste Entscheidung unseres Lebens getroffen. Als Angstpatientin kann ich euch diese Praxis nur wärmstens empfehlen. Ob es unser erstes Gespräch war oder die Behandlung selbst. Alles verlief schmerzfrei, super und schnell, dank Dr. Osman. Er ist hervorragend in seinem Beruf und ein Mann vom Fach. Zudem gilt unser herzlicher Dank an sein Team, insbesondere an Büşra, die uns umfassend informiert hat und uns die Angst genommen hat.
After a long search for a dentist to place crowns on my implants, I found it nearly impossible in the Netherlands. Either it wasn’t an option, or the prices were extremely high. While searching online, I came across Denthouse, which has clinics in both Istanbul and Rotterdam.
From the very first contact via WhatsApp with Meryem, I was guided perfectly. She took the time to explain everything clearly and gave me confidence in the process. In the end, I chose to have my treatment at Denthouse, and I can say with full satisfaction that both the clinic in Rotterdam and the one in Istanbul exceeded my expectations. The professionalism, care, and attention to patients were truly impressive.
Thanks to Denthouse and Meryem, I finally have a complete smile again, and I couldn’t be happier. I highly recommend this clinic!
Влітку зробила в них вініри, все супер ніяких проблем дуже задоволена, вибрала їх через персонал всі дуже професійні
Ik kwam bij Denthouse terecht via een kennis die erg tevreden is, Ik ben 43 Jaar en heb al mijn tanden verloren door slechte mondhygiëne, ik maakte kennis met het team van Denthouse en geweldig ontvangen. Mij werd geadviseerd om de all on six methode te doen met daarbij 28 kronen. ik ben nooit zo gelukkig geweest. alles goed ervaren, ik wil iedereen bedanken die hierbij een bijdrage heeft.
This dental clinic’s service is amazing! The whole process was incredibly efficient. On the first day, they removed my old veneers, on the second day, I received a 3D tooth design, and by the fourth day, I got my new veneers attached. Not only did my teeth become beautiful, but the dentist also corrected my bite, and it’s absolutely fantastic!
Ik was in Nederland al bij Denthouse geweest, daar kreeg ik een offerte om mijn gebit op te knappen.
Ik ben daar op in gegaan en ben naar Istanbul geweest voor behandeling, erg aardige en ook kundige mensen. De tolk/gastvrouw was constant aanwezig en was ook per app te bereiken voor vragen
Al met al blij dat ik het gedaan heb, voelde goed.
Не ви съветвам да избирате Дентхаус. В края на ноември, ми сложиха коронки/зъби/ върху импланти,но след седмица паднаха.Не мога да се храня нормално и пред хората не се показвам.Вече два месеца,след молби и многократни обаждания нищо не правят и не ги интересува.Дават 5год. гаранция,но това е само на хартия..Моля,не си губете времето,нерви и пари с Дентхаус Дентал Клиник-Истанбул.
След известно проучване избрах клиника Дент Хауз и не съжалявам,за което.Всичко по офертата,лечението и поставянето на импланти и корони беше извършено професионално,а посрещането и цените спазени.Благодаря на целия екип и на Митко и Сюнай,като мои преводачи и организатори.
I came from Berlin, Germany to Istanbul for dental treatment at Denthouse Clinic, and My experience was absolutely outstanding and exceeded all my expectations. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the entire team for their exceptional professionalism, care, and dedication.
First and foremost, a massive thank you to the dentist whose dental work was nothing short of extraordinary. Her expertise and attention to detail truly exceeded my expectations. I’m beyond impressed with her skill and the results of her work.
A big shoutout also goes to the dental nurse, who provided invaluable assistance to dentist throughout the process. Her support and kindness made every step of the treatment smoother and more comfortable.
Last but definitely not least, I want to sincerely thank the clinic manager, for his outstanding professionalism and warm hospitality. He was with me every step of the way, ensuring my stay in Istanbul was as stress-free as possible. His attention to detail and exceptional people skills made the entire experience truly memorable.
The prices at Denthouse were very reasonable and well within reach, especially considering the exceptional quality of their work. The outstanding results and professionalism they delivered made it clear that I received incredible value for my money.
Thank you again to the Denthouse team for everything—you made this journey not only successful but also enjoyable. I wholeheartedly recommend your clinic to anyone seeking top-notch dental care!
I came to Denthouse İstanbul for an implant. Doctor osman and doctor Sadullah take care of me very well
Thank you for whole team
And i recomend everybody